Hyderabad has been recently described as a city with chaotic traffic and reckless violations of traffic rules in the recent past. The rise of ever-increasing vehicle movement on roads has put before the citizens and the government a serious concern about their respective traffic situation in this bustling city. Hyderabad Traffic police work day and night to maintain order and let commuters pass safely across all places.
Hyderabad has become notorious in recent times for its chaotic traffic situations and for committing regular offences. The Hyderabad Traffic Fine Checker & Payment App is a mobile application designed by the Hyderabad Traffic Police Department in collaboration with Telangana State Technology Services, or TSTS.
The app was introduced in the year 2017 mainly with the idea of easing people’s accessibility to pay or check traffic fines effortlessly on their cell phones online. The application is freely accessible for users of Android and iOS, but both can be downloaded separately. It offers a user-friendly interface so that users will not find it at all difficult to use even a layman. Multi-Language Support: It also helps individuals who don’t want their language, as all can access the app that comprises English, Telugu, Hindi, and Urdu.
The user can check his or her traffic fines by entering the vehicle number. More important information about the date and time of the violation, what sort of violation it is, and even the amount of the fine are elaborated upon on the app. He or She can also pay fines using the app through services like net banking, credit/debit cards, and mobile wallets. It further includes details of traffic rules and regulations in Hyderabad.
The SOS button in the app helps the user reach the nearest police station or ambulance in case of emergency. Also, it facilitates sharing the location of a user with his emergency contact.
The Hyderabad Traffic Fine Checker & Payment App is beneficial for citizens as well as the traffic police department. With the help of this app, citizens do not have to waste their precious time standing in long queues to pay their fines. The process of checking and paying fines with various payment modes can be done within minutes. The app can be used with complete fine details without any human mistakes or discrepancies. The apps are multi-linguistic, which makes citizens from different backgrounds use them easily.
The app maintains a record of traffic violations, which would help the traffic police department identify areas of high traffic violations and take necessary measures to improve the situation.
Hyderabad Traffic Fine Checker & Payment App has revolutionized the handling of traffic fines in the city. It has not only made it easy for the citizens to check and pay their fines but also ensured that the traffic police department can manage the traffic well. The users have reacted very well to the application, and usage is on the rise day by day.
But remember, this app is not to avoid fines or break traffic rules. It is an enabler to encourage compliance and contribute to making the roads of Hyderabad safer for all. We, as responsible citizens, should all make use of this app and do our part in maintaining road discipline and promoting a culture of safe driving in our city.
Road Assistance App: https://www.lawyered.in/product